The Road to Rediscovery

The road is long. Rediscover life and share in the journey!

Five Simple ways to have a Positive Outlook (reader’s version)

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Five Ways to Think Positive and Be Positive |

On a recent episode of The Road to Rediscovery podcast, I explored five super easy ways to cultivate a more positive mindset and find joy even when life gets tough.

1. Find the Blessings in Your Least Desired Moments

It’s easy to count your blessings when things are going well. But the real test is looking for the silver linings during your most challenging times. Whether it’s a car accident, missed flight, or home damage from a storm – there are always blessings to be found if you choose to see them.

I’ve personally experienced each of those setbacks. While no one wishes for those things to happen, and you can’t control or undo them, you can control how you respond. I’m not saying ignore the levity of the situation. Give it the time and attention it needs. But never let it steal your joy.

This doesn’t mean faking happiness with a forced smile when you need to feel upset. It means not losing all hope that you’ll recover and get through this. Know that the ultimate blessing is the opportunity to learn and apply that lesson to improve your life.

When my truck was totaled in an accident years ago, the blessings were: 1) No one was hurt, and  2) The insurance cut a check for me to get a newer truck.  It doesn’t hurt to look for blessings in your setbacks; but above all things, receive the blessing of learning from when they happen.   

2. Whistle

Something as simple as whistling can boost your positivity. For many of us, we do this subconsciously when hearing a familiar tune. I recently caught myself whistling a classic tune at the grocery store, putting an unexpected pep in a worker’s step to finish their shift. Spreading that kind of joy is contagious in the best way.

3. Compliment a Stranger

There’s nothing quite like an unsolicited compliment from someone you don’t know and weren’t trying to impress. It can brighten anyone’s day, no matter their mood. So tell the Starbucks barista “Those are pretty earrings!” Or the person pumping gas “Nice SUV, how long have you had it?”

It may spark a conversation, or it may not. But either way, that simple act of kindness brings a smile. As an optional practice, I also like to wish them a nice day as we part ways. It tops off the compliment and makes you feel good too.

4. Check In on a Distant Family Member

When I say distant, I mean geographically far away or someone you’ve lost touch with, like a brother you haven’t spoken to in 10 months. There’s no “right time” to reach out, so do it as soon as you possibly can.

It doesn’t need to be a long, life update call. Just 3-5 minutes to say you were thinking of them and wanted to see how they’re doing. This brings an unexpected bright spot to their day. Few things are as selfless as a loved one going out of their way to connect with you. It can be the high point of their week.

5. Look for Reasons to Laugh

Laughter truly is the best medicine. We get so caught up in striving to be our best, eating right, exercising, working hard, paying bills, and parenting that we seldom give ourselves grace to laugh.

Many feel that if we laugh in front of others, we won’t be taken seriously. But we should be secure enough to not take ourselves too seriously; and laugh at our own mistakes and imperfections.

Laughter relieves stress, improves heart health, and keeps us humble and grounded. It’s ok to let your guard down sometimes. Look for reasons to laugh each day, even if it’s at your own expense. That sense of joy and lightness is invaluable. We can’t control many of the struggles that come our way. But we can control how we respond to them. By finding the blessings, spreading unexpected joy through whistles and compliments, reconnecting with loved ones, and giving ourselves permission to laugh – we cultivate the positivity and resilience to prevail. The road gets bumpy, but our outlook is what allows us to not merely endure, but to truly grow from the journey.

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Author: ajshark38

I'm an average 55 year old Christian man who enjoys sports, music, food, and my loving family. So, like most people, I learn things through discovering. I am very fortunate as life has presented me with many wonderful opportunities, from being a lead vocalist in a Jazz band, to emceeing a professional baseball team, to becoming a college instructor, and more - all while working at a fortune 500 company for 21 years as a Corporate Trainer. I am a self proclaimed hopeless optimist who doesn't claim to have all the answers to life. With that said, from family life to work life, parenting, and more, I am happy to share my insights based on past experiences, and open to all feedback.

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